BPS E-nquire Experts and Organizers

Makati City, Philippines – The Department of Trade and Industry’s Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) successfully launched “E-nquire,” its first-ever virtual consultation event, allowing stakeholders to directly consult with BPS experts on standards, certification, testing, and other BPS-related services. This event was held as part of the National Standards Week (NSW) celebration on October 10.

“As the DTI aims to advance digital transformation, we innovate our services by conducting online events that caters to stakeholders beyond geographical barriers,” said DTI Secretary Cristina Aldeguer-Roque.

The E-nquire virtual conference enabled stakeholders across different fields to have one-on-one question and answer sessions with the BPS experts in relation to electrical products, mechanical/building and construction materials, chemical and other consumer products and systems, standards development, purchasing/availability of Philippine National Standards (PNS), product testing, Product Certification Information Management System (PCIMS), and other concerns. Over 200 participants joined the session, with most focusing on PCIMS and mechanical/building & construction materials.

Following the successful conduct of the event, DTI Fair Trade Group (FTG) Assistant Secretary and Supervising Head Agaton Teodoro O. Uvero lauded the effective facilitation of the session. “This virtual session aligns with NSW’s theme of promoting sustainable development and fostering innovation. The DTI places great emphasis on building connections and supporting stakeholders across various sectors—particularly government agencies, manufacturers, and service providers—to ensure that Filipinos receive the highest quality services that meet quality and safety standards,” Assistant Secretary Uvero stated.




E-nquire participants with the DTI-BPS facilitator

This year's National Standards Week centers around the theme, "Shared Vision for a Better World: Spotlight on SDG 9–Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure in the Age of AI," reflecting the global emphasis on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9. This goal aims to develop resilient infrastructure, encourage inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and stimulate innovation.

Further, DTI-BPS Director Neil P. Catajay reaffirmed the bureau’s commitment to engaging with more industry stakeholders. “At DTI-BPS, we believe that directly addressing our stakeholders’ questions fosters a deeper understanding of our standards and technical requirements, empowering businesses to adopt best practices and contribute to a more competitive and sustainable economy,” Director Catajay emphasized.

For more updates and information on standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), visit the BPS website https://bps.dti.gov.ph/. Communication may also be done using e-mail and messages through the 1BPS Portal https://standardsph.dti.gov.ph/.