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Specific Product Coverage Philippine National Standard/s (PNS) Enabling Law  Product Image
Hot-rolled equal-leg angle steel bars PNS 657:2008
Hot-Rolled Steel Sections – Equal-Leg Angles - Specifications

Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 18-08, Series of 2018
The New Technical Regulations Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Deformed Steel Bars, Rerolled Steel Bars and Equal Leg Angle Steel Bars

Memorandum Circular 19-04, Series of 2019
Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of DAO 18-08, Series of 2018

Memorandum Circular 19-09, Series of 2019
Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of DAO 18-08, Series of 2018

Memorandum Circular 20-48, Series of 2020
Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of DAO 18-08, Series of 2018

equal leg steel