Standards Data Center (SDC)
The BPS Standards Data Center (BPS-SDC), also known as the BPS Library, is a frontline unit of the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) where clients may purchase developed Philippine National Standards (PNS) by the Bureau. Clients may also purchase standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) from the BPS-SDC since the BPS, as the National Standards Body, is the official member representative of the Philippines to these two globally recognized standards-setting organizations. Currently, the BPS is the sole authorized distributor of PNS and IEC standards in the country.
However, the BPS-SDC’s function is not limited to just being a retail outlet for standards. The center also serves as a research hub for students for free.
Students may visit the BPS-SDC to research on the specific standards they need and are allowed to use the standards in their thesis or research papers, provided that they observe copyright rules and proper acknowledgments.
The BPS-SDC is located at DTI Main Office, 3F Trade and Industry Building, 361 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City. Please make sure to notify the BPS of your visit by calling (632) 7791-3127 or by email at bps@dti.gov.ph so the Bureau can properly accommodate your visit.
Click here for the BPS-SDC's Citizen's Charter.
To access other DTI Resources, please visit the DTI e-library..
Regional / International Linkages
- Standards and Standardization
- Philippine National Standards (PNS) Catalogue
- Standards Data Center (SDC)
- Standards Development
- Membership to ISO and IEC
- Standards Development Work Program
- Recently Published PNS
- Draft PNS for Comments
- Standards Development Downloadable Forms
- How to Propose New Work Item
- BPS Technical Committees
- Standards Dev't Partnership (Recognized SDOs)
- Standards Regulations/Policies