PS mark and ICC sticker
The Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and/or Safety Mark and Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) Sticker serve as the consumers’ guide and assurance that what they purchase are certified quality and safety products conforming to the relevant Philippine National Standards (PNS). Products covered by the BPS Mandatory Product Certification Schemes, whether locally manufactured or imported, are required to bear the PS mark or ICC sticker before being distributed in the Philippine Market.
PS Marks
ICC Stickers
2018-2020 version of ICC sticker
As a general rule, the PS mark or ICC sticker should be placed on the product itself, except in cases where affixing the mark/sticker to the product is not practicable, such as on ballasts, self-ballasted lamps, single/double capped fluorescent lamps, incandescent lamps, circuit breakers, electrical tapes, wires & cables, and flat cord; or if affixing the sticker to the product will cause damage to its original packaging such as on television sets, air-conditioning units, refrigerators, and microwave ovens.
If the sticker is affixed on the packaging, the importers, distributors, dealers, traders or retailers shall ensure that the corresponding box/package of the displayed unit is available for verification by monitors/enforcers of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
The DTI monitors/enforcers regularly conduct monitoring and enforcement activities. They shall be given access to the stock room or store's warehouse to verify that all remaining originally packed inventories bear the corresponding ICC sticker or PS mark. Failure of the importers, distributors, dealers, traders or retailers to present the appropriate product's box/package to the authorized DTI personnel for verification during monitoring/enforcement activities shall be construed as a violation and shall be dealt with in accordance with established rules and policies.
The BPS encourages consumers to always look for the PS mark or ICC sticker when buying products covered under the mandatory certification and to report stores selling covered products without the said required markings.
Verification of ICC stickers may be done using the ICC Verification Mobile App. For PS marks, verification may be done by calling the BPS Standards Conformity Division (SCD) at (+632) 7791-3130/3131/3329/3330 or by emailing bps.scd@dti.gov.ph.
Product Certification
- Product Certification Schemes
- List of Products Under Mandatory Certication
- PS and ICC Marks
- PS and ICC Application Requirements
- PS and ICC Process Flowcharts
- Schematic Diagram of Handling Complaints and Appeals
- Product Certification Information Management System (PCIMS)
- List of BPS Qualified Auditors and Recognized Auditing & Inspection Bodies
- List of BPS Recognized Testing Laboratories
- Approved Logos for Steel Products
- Downloadable Forms
- Draft Technical Regulations for Comments
- ICC Verification Mobile App
- List of Certified Products
- Schedule of Fees