Membership to ISO and IEC
The DTI-BPS is a member to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Membership to these international organizations is consistent to the Philippines’ commitment to the World Trade Organization - Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement (WTO-TBT)
The DTI-BPS represents the Philippines in the development of international standards in the ISO and IEC technical committees, subcommittees, and working groups of the products which the country prioritizes. The DTI-BPS also engages stakeholders in the country to develop the Philippines’ position on draft ISO and IEC standards.
International Electrotechnical Commission – National Committee of the Philippines (IEC-NCP)
IEC NCP is a committee organized by the DTI-BPS which represents Philippines’ electrotechnical interests in the IEC's management, standardization, and conformity assessment work and serves as the focal point for developing consensus position of the country. It also represents the country's electrotechnical stakeholders in its interactions with the IEC as well as the ISO, Underwriters Laboratories, ASTM, and other international standards development organizations. Membership to the NC is free of charge and offers several opportunities such as access to the NC’s technical activities and management functions.
Regional / International Linkages
- Standards and Standardization
- Philippine National Standards (PNS) Catalogue
- Standards Data Center (SDC)
- Standards Development
- Membership to ISO and IEC
- Standards Development Work Program
- Recently Published PNS
- Draft PNS for Comments
- Standards Development Downloadable Forms
- How to Propose New Work Item
- BPS Technical Committees
- Standards Regulations/Policies
- Standards Dev't Partnership (Recognized SDOs)