Republic Act 4109 or the Standards Law mandates the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) to facilitate the development of standards, inspection of all products and services of the Philippines for which no standards have as yet been fixed by law, executive order, rules and regulations, at the same time, inspecting and certifying the quality of commodities imported into the Philippines. With the enactment of the Consumer Act (RA 7394), standards development of products is now co-shared by the BPS with other organizations.
The BPS works with these Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) in formulating safety and quality standards, promoting general welfare of the Filipinos and establishing standards of conduct for business and industry. To have cohesion of all standards development activities on a national level so as to optimize resources and prevent duplication of work, the BPS has established a scheme for a National Recognition of SDOs, pursuant to Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 19-08, Series of 2019. The scheme covers national coordinated work of standardization and maintenance of a repository of national standards developed by SDOs.
- Standards and Standardization
- Philippine National Standards (PNS) Catalogue
- Standards Data Center (SDC)
- Standards Development
- Membership to ISO and IEC
- Standards Development Work Program
- Recently Published PNS
- Draft PNS for Comments
- Standards Development Downloadable Forms
- How to Propose New Work Item
- BPS Technical Committees
- Standards Dev't Partnership (Recognized SDOs)
- Standards Regulations/Policies