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Specific Product Coverage Philippine National Standard/s (PNS) Enabling Law  Product Image
PE 100/80/63/60/32 SDR 9/11/13.6/17 PNS ISO 4427:2002 Amd. 01:2002
Polyethylene (PE) pipes for potable water supply – Specification

Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 7, Series of 2002
Mandatory Implementation of the following Philippine National Standards for Pipes: (1) PNS ISO 4427:2002, Polyethylene (PE) pipes for water supply - Specification and Amd. 01:2002, and (2) PNS 1991:2002, Grey iron pipes for pressure water lines – Specification

Covered by PNS ISO 4427:2002 with Amd. 01:2002
Pipes PE