Specific Product Coverage Philippine National Standard/s (PNS) Enabling Law  Product Image

2W to 60W, rated voltage of 100 V to 250V a.c., with edison screw base E14 and E27

PNS IEC 968:2006
(IEC published 1988)
Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements

(IEC published 2001)
Self-ballasted compact fluorescent lamps for general lighting service: Performance requirements
The New Technical Regulation Concerning The Mandatory Product Certification of Energy Consuming Products
Supplemental Guidelines for the Implementation of DAO 22-01, Series of 2022
Implementing Guidelines for the Mandatory Certification of Self-Ballasted Lamps covered by PNS IEC 968:2006 “Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting service - Safety requirements”
  Self ballasted Lamps