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viber_image_2022-10-26_14-41-16-239.jpgParticipants of the 34th JSC EEE Meeting from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Viet Nam and the ASEAN Secretariat.

The Department of Trade and Industry’s Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS), under the Consumer Protection Group (CPG), hosted the 34th Joint Sectoral Committee for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (JSC EEE) Meeting last 18 to 20 October 2022 in Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan. The meeting was participated by representatives from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Viet Nam, and the ASEAN Secretariat.

The JSC EEE is one of the working groups under the ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ), a sectoral body under the purview of the ASEAN Economic Minister (AEM) that is tasked to reduce if not to eliminate technical barriers to trade in identified ASEAN priority sectors.

The JSC EEE was formed to further this initiative for electrical and electronic sector which was made possible through active exchange of information on ASEAN Member States’ standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures that resulted to the development of a mutual recognition arrangement and the harmonized regulatory regime for EEE products. The JSC continues its work to improve implementation of the EE MRA and related policies to ensure freer flow of goods in the region.

viber_image_2022-10-26_14-41-15-197.jpgDTI-CPG Asst. Secretary Atty. Ann Claire Cabochan providing the welcome remarks

DTI-CPG Assistant Secretary Atty. Ann Claire C. Cabochan during her opening remarks welcomed the JSC EEE Members and the ASEAN Secretariat to the island of Boracay and highlighted the importance of the work the JSC EEE does to ensure standardized, safe and quality electrical and electronic products in the ASEAN region. DTI-Aklan Provincial Director Ma. Carmen I. Iturralde and Ms. Doan Thi Thanh Van, outgoing Chair of JSC EEE also provided their messages.

viber_image_2022-10-26_14-41-16-568.jpg34th JSC EEE Meeting in Boracay, Malay, Aklan

The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Mao Thira, Deputy Director General, Institute of Standards of Cambodia, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI), Cambodia. The Vice Chair was Mr. Donny Adityawarman, Deputy Director for International Standard Cooperation and Quality Infrastructure, Directorate of Standardization and Quality Control, Ministry of Trade of Indonesia.

The Meeting witnessed the handover of Chairmanship of JSC EEE from Viet Nam to Cambodia and the handover of the Vice-Chairmanship from Cambodia to Indonesia.

During the three-day meeting, the Philippines forwarded its updates, concerns and recommendations in relation to the ASEAN Sectoral Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ASEAN EE MRA), JSC EEE Template on “Reference Standards for ASEAN Regulated EE Products”, promotion of EE MRA and ASEAN Harmonized Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulatory Regime (AHEEERR), and clarity on acceptance of Code of Conduct or test reports.

The JSC EEE Members also discussed progress on JSC EEE activities, future activities of the ACCSQ, Cooperation with United Kingdom (UK), and China proposal on ASEAN-China Cooperation on conformity assessment of electrical and electronic products.

The next JSC EEE will be hosted by the ASEAN Secretariat virtually on 7-9 March 2023.


The DTI-BPS functions as the Philippines’ lead agency to the ACCSQ which endeavors to harmonize national standards with international standards, implement mutual recognition arrangements on conformity assessment, and develop harmonized regulatory regimes. As lead, the DTI-BPS represents the country in the programs and events of the ACCSQ Leaders on standards and conformity assessment procedures and coordinates with other government agencies and the private sector involved in the activities of the working groups (WGs) and product working groups (PWGs) under the ACCSQ.

For more updates and information on standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), please visit the BPS website ( Emails and messages may also be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through the official BPS Facebook page (
