WTO TBT Notifications 28 May - 03 June 2022
A total of 78 notifications on Agriculture, Chemical Technology, Construction Material and Building, Domestic & Commercial Eqpt, Electrical Engineering, Environment. Health Protection. Safety, Fluid Systems and Components for General Use, Food Technology, Generalities, Glass & Ceramic Industries, Health Technology, Management & Quality, Metrology & Measurement, Packaging & Distribution of Goods, Road Vehicles, Rubber & Plastic Industries, Telecommunications. Audio & Video Engineering, Testing from Philippines, Vietnam, Brazil, United States of America, Kingdom of Bahrain and other countries are listed.
Agriculture; Chemical Technology; Construction Material and Building; Domestic & Commercial Eqpt; Electrical Engineering; Environment. Health Protection. Safety; Fluid Systems and Components for General Use; Food Technology; Generalities; Glass & Ceramic Industries; Health Technology; Management & Quality; Metrology & Measurement; Packaging & Distribution of Goods; Road Vehicles; Rubber & Plastic Industries; Telecommunications. Audio & Video Engineering; Testing