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The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) through the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) has issued Memorandum Circular (MC) 22-01, Series of 2022 providing supplemental guidelines for the implementation of Department Administrative Order (DAO) 20-09:2020 or “The New Technical Regulation Concerning the Mandatory Product Certification of Ceramic Tiles”.  The said MC took effect on 11 January 2022 immediately after its publication in The Philippine Star and Daily Tribune on the same date.

“DTI issued MC 22-01 to address concerns of both manufacturers and importers on the proper disposition of the remaining inventories of ceramic tiles that are already released and distributed in the Philippine market prior to the implementation of DAO 20-09:2020. With the newly issued supplemental guidelines, we hope that they maximize the opportunity to have their existing inventories of ceramic tiles certified before the market monitoring and enforcement commence next year,” said DTI Consumer Protection Group (CPG) Undersecretary Ruth B. Castelo.

“With this MC, we also addressed importers’ concern on product testing for shipments of ceramic tiles intended for single dwelling units or project supply contracts,” added Usec. Castelo.

MC 22-01 provides guidelines for the certification of ceramic tiles covered by DAO 20-09:2020 which are manufactured or imported to the Philippines before 12 October 2021 and are currently in the possession of importers, distributors, or retailers.

For locally-manufactured products, manufacturers shall apply for Philippine Standard (PS) certification for the remaining inventories of ceramic tiles that were manufactured and distributed in the market prior to the effectivity of DAO 20-09:2020. Meanwhile, importers shall apply for Import Commodity Clearance (ICC), on a per product and per manufacturer basis, for the ceramic tiles that are currently in the possession of their distributors and retailers. To ensure product quality, product testing shall be conducted in accordance with PNS ISO 13006:2007 (excluding the test parameters for chemical analysis) or PNS ISO 13006:2019, whichever is applicable.

In addition, MC 22-01 exempts shipments of ceramic tiles intended for single dwelling units or project supply contracts from product sampling and testing provided that these importations do not exceed 1,800 square meters.

To provide local manufacturers and importers ample time to comply with the abovementioned certification requirements for their remaining inventories of ceramic tiles, market monitoring and enforcement shall now commence on 01 January 2023. All non-compliant products by that time shall be subject to the following:

  1. First Offense – Notice of Violation shall be issued but retailers/distributors shall only be advised to pull-out the items from the selling area.
  2. Second Offense onwards – Notice of Violation shall be issued subject to the regular adjudication process.

The full copy of MC 22-01 and other issuances may be downloaded from the BPS Standards and Conformance portal, Direct link to BPS’ issuances can be accessed through

The DTI-BPS is the National Standards Body authorized to promulgate Philippine National Standards (PNS). PNS are voluntary in nature and may be used as reference by any interested parties. The conformance to PNS or parts thereof becomes mandatory only when the same is used as reference in Technical Regulations issued by regulatory authorities such as the DTI.

For more updates and information on standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures (STRACAP), please visit the BPS website ( Emails and messages may also be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or through the official BPS Facebook page (

